I've done not much else but read news sites and other people's blogs these past couple of weeks. I haven't gone out at all. I think I've read ten books in the past month. I've read about the Russian Revolution, Byzantium, and global warming. A Willie Nelson biography and a cross-country trip on a Harley in 1939. I need to shake things up.
I titled the blog Averting Disaster for personal reasons, some circumstances presenting of foreboding prospectus. Perhaps not the best attitude. Decided to change that.
When that inveterate imperialist Winston Churchill recieved memos during WWII, he anotated them, making comment and assigning priority. Upon that which he deemed imperative, he scrawled Action Today. Until I find somenting better, that's what I'll call the blog.
Naturally, my Internet activity has been dominated by the election. I don't want to politicize this blog, nor do I want to project any "magical thinking" into the cybersphere; my opinion is as good as anyone else's. In the matter of this election, I believe I'm much taken of a sense of institutional memory, seeing through the rhetoric and sloganeering. I'm not competant to do anything more that assess my own thoughts and feelings, and do not see myself (as many political blogs do) with an attendent sense of mission. (This is all laughable insofar as I've one confirmed follower!) Suffice it to say that, though the MSM would have us feel despondent, though we've taken a lot of hits, I'm still Navy.