Monday, January 26, 2009

That's some synergy you got there.

Everything in the State,
nothing outside the State,
nothing against the State.

So said Benito Mussolini. I think it an apt summation of the absurd state of affairs presently captivating the country. What can we, not of this persuasion, do to throw off the choke-hold?

Cease striving and know that I am God;

Friday, January 23, 2009

Caesaro what?

OK; a stretch...
utilization of media flim-flamming the hoi-polloi ain't new neither.
Nor Daddy bailing you out and Mommy kissy boo-boo.

Bread, circuses, and a hug.

Hugs are good, but are we regressing into complete dependency upon the State as minds are relentlessly gamed by a false religion that makes the gratification of human nature the sin qua non of existence? A rhetorical question, certainly, yet it's what we bicker most about.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yet Risen

Seeking sermons on the subject of abiding with Jesus, I found this.

It's a tiresome phrase, but it is ironic that Oberlin College these days is not a place where you're likely to hear anything about transcending self-willed lives. What could be more archaic? A quick look at its nature presently led to seeing that there are instead student organizations like Queer Jews and Allies. I reckon that if Dr. Finney spoke today he'd be denounced and brought up on charges. Ah, yes... crucified with Christ. I get it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No, We Can't

It's neigh impossible to go on the Internet and not read the news, or should I say, as is the case predominantly, to be "informed" through assorted websites that skew one way or another. The use of the term "in the clutch of Satan" is simplistic but meaningful if one considers that which holds you back from being in the bosom of the Lord. You've got to include this computing experience, don't you? Quite the conundrum. Good thing such as this.

Presently a stultifying circumstance if one is somewhat informed about the bogus manifestations of a pompous and theatrical
civil religion in the caesaro-papist (by this I presently mean the Head of State being cast as an executor of socialist larceny, abusing the Social Gospel in order to effect his hegemony, a pop church becoming a "cultural" vehicle for the purposes of entertainment) context being foisted on us by hypocrites who've murdered millions, and I do mean the willing accomplices to genocidal abortion. They're full of it.

Didn't watch a minute of the inauguration yesterday. It was telling that, in the reviews I read about the pimping of the enthronement
, broadcast commentators spoke of the "sacramental" nature of it all in a "cathedral" of democracy "confirming" how wonderful we are. Nauseating. Not interested. There you are... the news and my reaction to it. Nothing new under the sun. Another cult.

I can't participate in, nor accede to, idolatry; I just can't. So I won't.
Revealing that he who would pontificate about "childish things" has got this as the major domo of his curia. Utterly corrupt. No pope and, now, no president. That, we can do. JHVH is Sovereign. Those guys are creepy.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blessed Reassurance

Something of a hiatus.

I recall again the pastor saying we mustn't let anything impede our walk with Jesus Christ. Sorry to say that seeing the nation in the clutch of Satan does so obstruct. And many other places - I just left one behind, a bulletin board where a Christian cannot abide.

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask for anything you want, and you will receive it.

Solves that problem. I wish to be free of obstructions. Done.