Monday, March 29, 2010

Teeny Bopped

Looks like the boy should have gotten drafted by the NBA instead of playing around with us. He's overseen a criminal operation and if the Treasury people (or any entity at that operation's misdirection) want to disrupt my life (on account of a reasoned opinion) I feel sorry for them having to waste their time.

Affirmative stupidity more like it.

No kings here; the guy doesn't do church on Sunday...
because he worships himself.
Useful idiots - Mona's been there.
Any trouble, I go straight to ACLU.

(Hat tip: M.D.)

Hot Spots

The question is: should I live-blog from Denny's?
Upbeat staff; lovely Latinas; put in a word or two...
"Don't forget to vote Republican."
Tough explaining campaign credit card fraud, the FEC corrupted.

Sadistic non-compliance vis policy totally recalled as well.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Keep Feet Off Table

Went looking for old friends who'd gotten zapped by Maharaji fellow.
One of the greatest adventures ever - rebuilding an engine. Completely.
Of course more to it, and a splendid time was had by all. You bet!
As a matter of interim policy, think I'll make something of it...

Disturbed folks awfully busy;
worked to near death, they are.
Tell them where to get off -
then let them down easy.

Far as I'm concerned, promises to keep.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Live from the Tub

Not quite, bucko... yet limber and lithe, totally equipped.
Goes full Tuesday. Expect I'll be nowhere near the shore.

New job going well; maybe go sail Puget Sound late summer.
They've got global reach: next year, perhaps Table Bay.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don Touch, S.V.P.

Coffee Plantation has changed hands.
Got petit suisse thé sandwiches Chard en organique, eh?

Finished off with some kid who began this...
yet needed some help in order to reach that.

I'm pretty hungry consequently. Plenty food home.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Grecian Floatin' Crap Game

The place closes rather early. So much for first impressions!

Met a stunning woman there, Court Translator, interlocutor - Márquez mentioned. Frankly, we was just about to jump out of our skins when the NY Times intervened. I broke off telling her that I had lots of court stories, but really only a few. One always comes to mind.

When we were boys, our father brought us to Night Court to see the process and connect with his, er, skill set... the tasking, so to speak. It was really busy; Kings County Courthouse. The perennial cast of characters presenting, a commotion commenced as a line of culprits made entry from the holding pen.

A group of guys stood before the judge, heads all bowed, shuffling from foot to foot. It turned out they were Greeks busted on the waterfront for gambling without compliance. I've got to say Hizzoner was somewhat amused. The Legal Aid attorney pled them guilty and requested bail until disposition.

The judge granted it, releasing the crew on their own recognizance pending reappearance for sentencing. My brother ate it up - I figure he wanted to get involved in the process since that night. Didn't come to me until later... though they looked real sorry, what's the odds they showed up? Funny in the telling, I suppose.

I'd wanted to tell her the next time I saw her, but she looked spooked.

Go figure.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Payed Way Forward

Really sumphin'... sour tea turned tummy.

Coffeed up and needing to process two pictures, stopped into the dew drop with no time for pool, nor anything else as far as that's concerned. But the pool's free and Dan's a mensch - wouldn't put the loss leading past him, as they say. Reminds me of another beloved, late of a Grill.

There was a ride in a red Caddy too.
The Hilliard fellows. Baby-sat for their pal.
(No problem.) Kids slept soundly; met a girlfriend.
Afterward, spoken for: yet saw not happy. Would not.

Anyways, they must have made the tea last Wednesday.
In agony overnight. No sleep. In class all day next.
Pulled through.

Now's all to consider, "Whence the wattle?"
Deep chin exercises! No (Spares at least 5 minutes!) shaving for me.

Met fellow other night...
has me into this for a while.
Old stuff; good read after another experience with las sadisticos.
Poor kids, under their sway - leave it be, eh? No way. Done for.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pull Upping Stakes

Some shopping (good bread needs better cheese) and vision care.
Then to Black Hawks coming in. Not hungry, no booze - what to do?

Iced ("What's icing the puck?") tea, of course.

Fur da Boids

Up and downloading on the fly at coffeeplace.
Divils imposing; presently on (W) side. No problem.

You'd think they think we was born again yesterday.

In Transit

Big deal, the Transit of Venus circa 1765.
No sightings last night. Good, however, burger.

Up at dawn, plenty of clothes, and out the door.

Saturday morning traffic a breeze.
Not to be unctious - many shots, little distinction.

Before it cools up, have to take a ride to Mill.

Friday, March 19, 2010

On the Town

Started out like this.

Looking forward to that.

Straight up ahead.

She'd be Laughing

There was the house on Pettygrove where this turned.
They don't anymore - you just "pull them up." Simple.

Tremendous burden lifted; went to Tangled Up but like it better.
Via Facebook think about Lily. (Later.) Can't remember surname!

Shouldn't want to shake anything up in her life. I mean, reeally.
One of those things, ships passing in a dense, dense fog.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Exchange with musician where no idea of how victimized he felt.
"It's not you - it's me." crossed. Honestly, merely semi-sharkie.

Hence peace and quiet.
Definitely another venue with Hersheys.
Maybe WaMu.

Draw the Curtains

She had this kilt on, but it was skirt:
don't mention Ladies from Hell - misconstruel
bounden downtaken; don't depend on them.

Took a keeny looking peer, I did;
harsh, perhaps, not mean cause it's
some clan, not that it matters much.

Another look-up. Were I to have secured
candid smile could have aksed. Pronto.
So long as she don't hike it up, I figure.

Monday, March 15, 2010


The critical issue with dissemination is how objectors fail to communicate with the subject, hence from the proverbial horse's mouth is ignored to their eventual consternation, indubitably.

Humors me immensely.
There's a paranoid dynamic...
leaps over lizards,
fell swoop. Go 'way.

Life and Times of SOE

Not much cooperation.

They've got a lot of baggage.
So one comes up with excellent shot of Roz Russell.

Looking for Sante Fe platter. Expect prices down.

No More Jutenhoops!

So we're trying to find a place with the roto-clippers.
He said maybe Jutenhoops; didn't ring a bell;
only ever got posters and buttons there.
And Sharper Image history. No problem.

Found the Remington product (No Problem) directly.
Then it was the pitch... remembered Victor Something.
(Some mix-up with Wearhouse Guy. Definitely not.
"I liked the shaver so much, I bought the company."

Then somethings else at Jutenhoops like silly pens.
Gift stuff, you know? Refrigerator magnets. Whistles.
Couple of locations. Demised. Near other destinations...
movies, veggies, books and old Dos Barristas.

Need a Haircut

There are barber shops open on Monday, believe it or not.
Could, since I've got an electric clipper, trim myself...
wouldn't want to be seen in that afterward. Foresee botch.

Never tried those vacuum devices. Available.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tempus Fuggetabootit?

Stepped out and Carvin Jones was playing the neighborhood.
Long time, no hear. Consummate tribute artist. Way humoresque.

Money tight... not much of a crowd. Kids have no disposable income?
Regulars taking night off on account of festival over the freeway.

Several followers turned out. He goes way back; always a good show.

Friday, March 12, 2010

He Forgot

Picked up orchid and primrose on sale in grocery. Noticed someone with orchid at check-out, zeroed in sale sticker, came about, and bee-lined to Garden Department. Done deal already.

Primrose a bonus.

First thing tomorrow, I'll re-pot primrose, right?
Nope... went online... now time pressing. Ma~nana.
Once knew fellow. Time management consultant. Stickler.
He'd be all over me. Priorities! Delegate! Squash... relax.

So, howdy, Chester. I've forgotten your last name. (ONI?) As-is.
Way it goes. No distress! Yours not my line of work. Kismet.
(Have to take this form after thinking to search Facebook.)
Then again, you've got to consider who constitutes your audience.

Had brief conversation with fellow attending writer's session.

Though the reads are obtrusive (stretching modus milieus) and some people are merely recounting what clinicians who conduct group therapy term "war stories," in this instance with constituent elaboration and a too often exhibited (thus the aural display) compensatory vulgarity. As if they feel somehow "liberated" from, shall we say, academic rigor. Beating their chests, poking their crutch, taunting their Über-Ich(s) before the ships at sea... take your pick of metaphorical monstrosities.

Now I once also knew a literary critic who "enjoyed" watching people make fools of themselves. Academics of a stripe do, I surmise, take pleasure in such disdain, sometimes to sadistic effect - and there we go, for what comes to mind (Facebook not being any place to have this out.) is sociopathic affect. Little Cornelius Vanderbilts getting off on ruination and "moving on."

I did not mention Grand Central Station (Busy As) to the writer, but said it was probably necessary for to find one's audience; to see what engages, what moves, what's effective. Otherwise, is it display behavior seeking strokes in a striving toward fortune and fame? Or a skew, which, in a transactional sense, they're simply talking to them's collective selves?

Cuppa Java don't need such rigmaroles.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Loads taking an inordinately long time here.
Signal weak. Holding off won’t make it any better.
When there’s no hole, especially. Right?
“You mean outlet?”

Of course.

Well, it's being boosted from Safeway, for crying out loud.
Put an image through the mill; piece of work and a half.
Didn't have a look at the menu until ready to go.
Greek Shrimp Capellini. There's a matter of fusion.
They're only across the Ionian.

Got done. Got away. Time to get home.

Duct Tape Sagas

Left power cord behind at coffeeplace.
Processing photos, keeping in touch; waylayed.

On way out, didn't pack in attaché...
good thing still there. Back-up in worse shape:

This thing doesn't know what to focus upon.

Soup Tonight

Was going to do Chicken l'orange but went out for a while.

Writer's convention taking up space at coffee place as I processed my stuff. Couldn't sit up straight. Lounged. Then guys loudly running a meeting of the I Am Somebody Society took up the rest of aural adjacency. (Had to go to earbuds.) No class and I told them so.

Good Bible Study and I've delayed a read of suggested text; went to see R&B people at Char's. (After processing said stuff!) Except for staff and principals, all strangers. Don't get around much any more. Left and will make time for Hebrews 12.

That means no chicken.
Fortunately, scooped soups on sale yesterday.
Will suffice.

Would have liked to have taken pictures of Larry and Company.
Sparse crowd. Wouldn't have been unobtrusive.
Conflicted vis promotion too.
Verily, dramming only regular locus for such folk to earn living.

My, my... haven't posted in some time.
And some times I've had.
Haven't we all.

Tomorrow must remember to swing by Bookstar for this.
Highly recommended by someone out of the blue.
Then I've got a dragon shooting, along with some terrain nearby.
Agendas. One at a time. Which list to put them on?