Thursday, March 5, 2009

Before Aardvark

Finished The Lunar Men several weeks ago. It was related how many of the things we take for granted, even as I sit here and tap an electronic keyboard and think of Dr. Franklin and his kite, were just beginning to be understood. That's always an intellectual challenge, to understand how things are, and what exactly they are in a premise along with, "How goes it, compadre?" A contact switch sends a binary pulse of electrons to relay in the processor, etc., but the sum of the parts and persons, all powered up, tends toward a will to more power, doesn't it? That's how I'd reduce the striving, and, well, I'd rather not.

Contemporaneously to those fellows, Dr. Johnson was compiling his dictionary. (Henry Hitchings has done up a read about that.) Very nicely done. A single-minded individual he was. He found it a drudge, but he accomplished what he set out to do. Oats! Used to be Quaker. Now Sprouts has got some excellent blends in the barrels. How low-tech can you get?

Golly if I haven't gone through several books (Love the free downloads.) since my last post, including one about bibliophilia!

So, replete of this, what have I got to say?
I'd rather not.

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