Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Settling Down

Bible Study this evening. Just was. Prayer in Chapel first; pastor gave some words on Luke 11:2-4, the essential prayer, short and sweet. Then off to the classroom for Colossians 2. This verse on point as Paul was counseling Colossae on how to deal with the Gnostics. We might as well include many a present day intellectualist "system" in this vein. Easy to do, plainly.

Last Sunday was good. After having to work the previous months, I really appreciated being there. Got to mention The Robe in our discussion of John 19: how to claim relief when Satan attempts to exert his "power" to hurt us? The study guide cited Ephesians 6:10-18. There are quite a few military metaphors there. I thought of this too and segued into that family friendly movie, everything working out. We closed with the Roman soldier at Calvary who said that surely Jesus was the Son of God.

The pastor preached on 2 Corinthians 8:2. Generosity.
Question: "Are you a consumer or a contributor?"
Honestly, comme ci, comme ça. Not good; not hot or cold.
He said that God is the epitome of generosity and it's God's will that we be so as well. That such generosity cures materialism, our needs met while we understand and temper our wants. And that generosity is always a blessing. I thought immediately of this.

Everyone can be generous.

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