Sunday, July 24, 2011

Keeping Faith

The connection speed at this wi-fi location has slowed and I'm getting agitated. Shouldn't want to feel that way. Came from church a little while ago feeling most placid. Read the other day of the dependence some people have upon their internet activity - yeah, that applies to me alright. But it really is a bear when you're trying to get the bus schedule and the page won't load. Well, that brings me back to the sermon at church today... instead of getting angry, what would be Christ-like?

Aside from the sermon, I stopped and thought. I didn't bang the laptop... I found an alternative to waiting on the bus schedule pages to load... I found out what I needed to. I didn't pray about it - I just wanted not to get angry and flustered and, by the grace of God, I didn't.

Pastor today preached on 
II Timothy 1; 3 Keys to Christ Like Living.
* Be grateful for our spiritual heritage.
* Trust in and live the Gospel.
* Be loyal to the faith we've received.

Well, amen to all that but I'd add thanks for our God-given intelligence and persona. Paul is encouraging Timothy... I just had to encourage myself. Things will always work out. And don't you know the connection speed just got back in gear.

I'm happy to be a Christian and glad to be saved. As a matter of fact, as the pastor went around shaking hands before the service, when he came to me I was reading by grace you have been saved in
Ephesians 2:5
just before I shook his hand and looked into his eyes. It was a great comfort. I had told him of the suicidal thoughts... no, no... I want to live. So there it all was in totality.

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