Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going Dutch

Started Vemeer's Hat and an armchair travel read it is. Brook uses the elements of Vermeer's pictures to lecture about aspects of trade and culture in the 17th century. "Transculturation" is the thesis he's relaying and applying to Dutch traders upon their interface with Asia.

Though he doesn't use this example, he'd have us look at The Girl with a Pearl Earring considering silk from China and Japanese pearl divers, giving the histories of these endeavors and how those products made their way to Europe.

The Dutch have a terrible reputation for colonial ruthlessness and racism in actual estimation of their former hold on Indonesia. Brook's purview is definitely not Marxist and he's somewhat romantic. He's rather like a docent conversing with other snobs, but very accessible.

An interesting point made about the ceramic trade was that the first high-volume customers were the Persians. It seems the Koran prohibited the use of gold or silver plate as being immodest and proud. Fine porcelain was a means to luxuriously evade the ban. So much for principle!

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