Monday, September 29, 2008

Public Stuff

The previous post included just the sort of banality I'd like to avoid (Rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth, put the kettle on and another day, another dollar.), but I'm serious about getting the presentation right. There isn't a help window on this page and I've yet to see a good tutorial in "Layout." With no responses, there's no way to streamline the informational flow. I guess I've got to inquire myself of other users who've posted their e-mail address. Really don't want to get that involved.

For purposes like above, this is good. I got to thinking about the subject, about how cold or vapid most "public art" is, even considering that it's got to stand up to the elements, and remembered this in the file. I thought it had a Kokopelli medallion in the light post like others, but not this one... is that a phoenix rising? Can't quite make it out.

Anyway, I've yet to complete my profile. Oh yeah, like to take pictures and process them. Presently listening to this. Like it a lot too. Today, I've got some banking to do. I think the signage qualifies, don't you?

Here's some bells from the Arcosanti forge. Took a lot of pictures years ago at the Cortes Junction facility, not a public place. Film. (Been meaning to take a ride to get some digitally.) These are at the main branch of the public library. More to say up the pike about Paolo Soleri's mission.

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