Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Decade from Hell?

Sub tender Chief lent a book of pictures plus explanation.
The Lawless Decade, reprises excesses of the 1920s.
Last time, he handed over a Nazi
operator, Major Gehlen.
After skimming with my nose held, a bit of comic relief.

Began taking it in; right now 1921's as far as I go.
Not much to say about what I already know pretty much about.
Prohibition issue! Bit off more than I can chew there. Oh, yeah.
Wilfred Owen to Frances Willard; one fell
swoop, no pain to drown.

Scandals galore: Black Sox, scanty swimsuits; Teapot Dome brewing.
No, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. Plenty of time.
Not really. I've run out of funds. Down to my last 10 bucks.
Will have to hock stuff. Need to make it until Sunday next.

Won't see my lady friend until then. Hope we take a mope.
She's rather become ma raison de vivre actuellement.
That would be in la raison d'etre neighborhood, eh?

I like to think we've got a sanctified relationship.

I get totally blotto thinking about speaking French with her.

Right away I also think of A Fish Called Wanda. Kevin Kline.
Absolutely hilarious? No, I take her very seriously. Elle est.
(Heavenly Father: thank you for her, for now, as it is. Amen.)

They called the 70's The Decade from Hell, but I was alright.
There were "Jesus freak" accusations back and forth. Phrenetic.
Trained to keep things under control and real clean, a hoot!

But so many were swept away and ended up awfully dead.

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