Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Temporal Issues

The secret of all good writing is sound judgment.

So said Horace. I change the title again. Won't worry about singularity or appeal.

I do so honor of Susan Boyle. Haven't seen the video of her final performance. Am going to find it now and patch it. I suppose many people have done so as well... what do you know? No embed. Understandable. The link will do.

Notice carefully that sound judgment
must precede the exercise of initiative.

That's Charles Gow. I had to make a choice this evening as to whether to go to church with the Friends or the Baptists - and from there the place; either Love close to home or North Phoenix where my membership remains. They have a spa at the latter, so that's a consideration because I've gotten out of shape again. And a dear woman who does a Bible Study. Last time I was there I mentioned I'd find something out for her with regard to her County Jail ministry that might ease her access. Someone at Love Baptist is in the Sheriff's office. Am reminded to do that again. I can't get involved much more than that, just to the extent of resourcing one with the other if they're not already familiar with each other. The Friends are not as familiar to me as are the people at North Phoenix... thither I pulled myself together after a day making arrangements about the landscape. Glad to hear the pastor speak upon John 17; I've been lax about my discipleship. Very much so. May The Lord have mercy on me.

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