Wednesday, April 28, 2010


At first didn't know what to do with this casual shot.
Utilitarian fits the bill; old joke - "Gravity: What a Concept"
Yeah, someone's dissertation someday.
Fencing just the way it is. Private property. Safe water.

Next door to a Goodwill. Stopped because in shorts.
Didn't want to drive across Valley for me trousers;
"workout" (Le mot juste pour l'hydrothérapie?) nearby.
Planned to go to church. Quick transaction. Too much.

Did the tub and a good stretch.
This and some other exposures.
And to WiFi to process. Native American woman?
Across table. Could have been Asian. Er, they were!

Went past the deadline after we'd some glances.
Then words. After again some slow tune. Forgot.
(There was a major Joplin, then of the
Mentioned changing the pace; she took off.

Finished my pictures, recalling bobble-head story.
Imparted same to friend across another table -
but a criminal matter came up. California case,
vis difficulty of getting celebrities convicted.

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