Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gather Them Up

Was really thrown for a loop dealing with past task masters.
Have to return several films I never got a chance to view.
Reading delights all disrupted too. Yet, in the interim...
all one can do with the information gleaned is something artful.

Had a friend once say (as related to him by a teacher), seriously,
that art is the representation of reality with an air of caprice.
But one needs to earn a living. Seriously. I know that.
I wanted to go into the ministry. Yet I'm a secular. Difficult.

The trouble is people who don't want to be friends -
they want to compete. And you run into them at churches.
Another conversation with an associate pastor years ago:
"God wants me to minister to ministers." Went nowhere.

Not much one can do when surrounded by naysayers.
And idiots who go all "karma" without data nor scruples.
So perhaps another read of I and Thou will suffice...
toward feeling more at ease in a craven world.

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