Don't much understand this piece. Seems out of place and stilted, as if it were an architectural afterthought decorating an urbanized corner. Can only wonder what the Navahoes think about it. No one pays it much attention. The sterility of the location, all four corners, unbecoming. Noisy and well, rather strange, location.
Back into the vehicle, cued up and took Central. Barr Branch one of those carbuncles, but the entry might catch your eye a millisecond. Generic incontroversial cut-outs. Tax dollars at work.
It's the oddest place.
They spent all their budget and want more money.
Always do. Want to tax food!
Can't eat gyroscopes; already captivate (not so fast) gyros.
Conversing with a woman across the study table before the plate glass panels presenting the yearning, churning City of Phoenix - the formerly best run speedway in the nation, I made mention of the scene after we'd sized each other up.
"That's just about the best view in town."
She agreed. We spoke of impending rain.
"The other side's OK. This is better."
Adjourned for to pull some books from the stacks.
Having a look for The Burning, a record of the incident in Tulsa in 1921, came across Jonathan Schell's Observing the Nixon Years. When first I glanced at it, thought I saw Obsessing the Nixon Years! Took a look - General Haig not in the index... hold on; there is no index!
William Shawn wrote the preface.
He did not say:
Richard Milhous Nixon saved the Republic; then he spared it.
Decided to check it out anyway.
On the way, took another Paolo.
Just remembered; was going to (years ago) fill you in on Arcosanti.
Go with the curves. Later for rectilinears. Think Duomo, kids.
And the masters who put it up - forget the controversialists.
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