Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7th Expedition

While having coffee, I noticed some landscape people cleaning up after the place next door went through some significant pruning. Formerly a medical office tri-plex, they've cleared out and the property is in transition. The way the market is, there's been no occupation at least the past few months - I asked the landlord, who was doing a walk-through with the contractors of this job the other day, what was going to move in. He looked a little peeved; must be on the short end.

I asked one of the guys if I could take a cutting. Good for a planter.
If I carved, I'd've really loaded up. I would, but no chisels or chainsaw.

Went over to Walgreens to see if they had heavy duty twine.
No stock; did pick up a six-pack of light bulbs. Package deal.

One of the luxury purveyors hanging on through the cash drought.
Here a few years ago looking for an opal ring. Whim for friend.
Found one in antique shop - nice setting. Friend wasn't really. Hold it.

Have run out of goldenseal. The ear sepsis comes and goes.
Really like the hot tub and plug... what can I do? Nuisance.
They didn't have root (more efficacious). Only leaf and stem.
Didn't let on about being a former competitor.

Planter outside captures attention.
I want to put a few on the front lawn.
Oh, not really - Bermuda denied for years.
Have a bird bath ready to be painted.
Make small decks. And the palm remnant.

Had to get a shot of Jordan's, a Phoenix standby. Their prime location another "victim" of light rail construction on Central Avenue, they maintain herewith. Had a brief conversation with the proprietor last summer - he let me hang while I waited for a tow. Frankly, they'd let me park overnight after a near catastrophe.

Right rear tire blew southbound at about 30 mph. Shredded. Pulled over across the street from Jordan's. After business hours, I decided to leave it in their lot because my AAA membership, up for renewal the week before, couldn't be attended to until the morning. Business hours. The restaurant was still serving and I cleared it with them. Cabbed to my destination for the Biffos.

I was in the IBEW once. Wires mostly then. Entirely!

Speaking of wireness, another attempt to tie down the log.
The bungees are sun degraded - obviously frazzled.
No luck. Only packs of assorted lengths. Need 36" x 2.
Definitely staying off the freeway until... the competition.

Never have I hookah'd.
They got licorice, I gather.

OK. Settle back at a venue in processional mode. Jaywalked again.
There was some question about this plug. A faux installation.
How many feet do we have to be away thence?
Woody would have loved the determination.

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