Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mount Up

Headed west from church, I could have taken several crosstown thoroughfares. Along the way, after choosing to go Northern Avenue, I remembered I had to stop in at home - I was a mile off from the usual route. Nevertheless, I continued and glad I was because all my digital pictures of the illustrious equine between 7th and 15th Avenues are locked up in a crashed hard drive, the fellow who was going to help me extract the pertinent files vamooséd to Tucson.

Parked a piece away (the Mennonites loaned me a space) and mosied.
Would have like to have gone on the property. Guess what...
before dealing with that scofflaw issue, I had to jaywalk or cook.
Across the street and, boy, do I need filters. Polarize it.

Leisurely jaywalked. Nobody saw. Took the close.

And back. No traffic.
On the way, passed this domicile.
Had to remember... take down the decorations?
Some people keep their Christmas stringers up too.

Poach and egg on that sidewalk?
Who needs an hibachi?

Search for info but nothing definitive. Just the, how to say, notion that this area was, at the time house built, very much on the fringe. I'd surmise Northern wasn't even that but Lateral 8 or the like. Extensive searching there.

Fun explaining baseline of the plats. Er, Baseline Road? Not in Phoenix - Washington. Mesa baseline that. Then how kilonorth you are; Central kilos E/W. Telling about the main drags another ditch story.

When making the last turn toward my house, passed a residence evidently being used as a meeting place. (A code tangle?) The sign out front put me in a great frame of mind to relax before dinner.

But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.


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