Study one thing; just pointing at clouds willy-nilly another.
Was accessing a WIFi signal at a local car wash when these cumuli-megapuffies were traversing as I processed some other photos. Leaned out the window and got this. Some little upgrade and the needles would be "perfect."
Here again the focal inadequacy is redeemed by a painterly application. This was shortly before the carriages began to roll. The piece signifies the unity of all wheeling and dealing.
Here again the focal inadequacy is redeemed by a painterly application. This was shortly before the carriages began to roll. The piece signifies the unity of all wheeling and dealing.
Very lucky and momentous occasion. Have already posted the major rainbow show. Here some dissipation. merely a hint left with showers commencing. And there's that durn spot!
Don't fathom Australian rib eyes:
love lamb; keep the mutton.
f3.6 @ 1/120 second - ISO 50
The following were taken shooting directly into the sun simply to see what would happen. Above presented as absorbed - there was no adjusting the hue, slightly saturated in finishing.
Figure photons ganging up on receptors.
Maybe go into t-shirts.
Reckon it would silk screen pretty good..
Started a new album on the photo hosting site. Am going to try and be more organized and meticulous. Things don't need to be titled, but it is a, truth be spouted, hoot. A friend once related a piece of advice from art school... that the work is a representation of reality with an air of caprice. Way to go? The value is in the shared appreciation, I submit.
Started a new album on the photo hosting site. Am going to try and be more organized and meticulous. Things don't need to be titled, but it is a, truth be spouted, hoot. A friend once related a piece of advice from art school... that the work is a representation of reality with an air of caprice. Way to go? The value is in the shared appreciation, I submit.
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