Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, Monday?

Pastor gave super talk on Acts 5 yesterday. Has me into entire piece.

Don't need any glasses for that. Oh yeah, it's happened again. Put them down for a shower of to do something up close and move on, forgetting or having them obscured. That was two weeks ago. Or more. Forget that too. This close to going to get another pair... the script is three years old. Wouldn't expect any professional courtesy. A matter of manners there; pay as you go. It has become most inconvenient. (Trouble at pool too.) Have done two tidies - they're under something. If I go for a replacement, they'll turn up!

What was uncovered was my old Riverside Emerson. Which is good because I'm sort of courting. But I need to find those glasses so I can shoot better and not look like Joe Cool. A slight ear infection (been there with the remedies - it's clearing up) somewhat inhibiting toward hearing her perfectly.

Meanwhile, the shades are strategically removable. I'd like to ask her to coffee. The Paisley Violin a nice place on free museum day. We're in a sort of ice-breaking mode. Frankly, I've not the foggiest of her circumstance but we get along pretty good.

Wasn't so much forgetfulness or absent-minded flummoxerography (wired to recall) had me leave a credit card behind at an establishment the other night. And don't know whether it was a friend's metallic selections or Mike Tyson's retrospective pummels made me bonkers (Another guy said the tunes were making him highly irritated.) yet that's surely the epitome of a head-banging combination; I'd've told her but she was acting something out. Power plays, already.

Nowhere near dressed affair. Coffee adequate. Be obliged to her...
partial to custom bolas; be fun turning out after cool-down in this'n.

One hilarious revelation...
school chumette thought they was sayin' Ronday, Ronday.
She gave me another album and I'm grateful. Really.

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