Saturday, July 4, 2009

Stop the presses!

Shouldn't go off my diet and just saw that the U.S. is up against Canada in World Cup rugby. So I think I'll go with that rather than smoking because you have to do up a rack and I'd eat too much.

Had splendid supper last night after visiting with lovely tendermeister. A tuna thing, not quite Niçoise (Hold the spuds!) but spot on, on rye. Sprinkled Parmasan and basil to finish. Cherries and yogurt and this till lights out.

Yes, very quiet at the coffeehouse under Laurie's Lookout. (Except for a schnook looking for a fight. Post haste went thither.) The regulars must be camping. Glad they're open but must go elsewhere to see the contest, Dbacks following.

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